Monday, July 4, 2011

Let's Go Geocaching!!! Part 1!

I started this blog for two reasons. The first was to assist me in learning about geocaching. I thought that if I wanted a well thought out blog it would have to be accurate. This made me learn a lot about geocaching and therefor I accomplished my first goal. The second was to chronicle my geocaching from the very begging so in the years to come I could look back at my adventures. So time to go Geocaching!!

I have found 114 geocaches as of this afternoon. I have yet to blog about any of them. So today I am going to catch you all up with our first 114 caches with lots of pictures and hopefully some fun stories.

My first day caching wasn't planned, it was March 11th. I can't remember when or how I heard about geocaching but I had been on the website and forums for quite a while before my first find. I had been researching gps units for weeks and had finally purchased my pn-40 and was anxiously awaiting it's arrival. We went to visit family in Cochrane AB and when we got there everyone was out of the house. I decided I would take the boys and try and find our first cache in a near by park with our Garmin Nuvi auto gps. It was great fun considering our auto gps could only get us to within 10m. We persevered and found our very first Geocache.

That same day my brother-in-law accompanied me to find his first ever and my 2nd and 3rd find. Then two days later, still in cochrane, I took my wife, sister-in-law, brother-in and a friend on their first hunt. We found two more along the river and had a lot of fun.

March 26th, my Delorme PN-40 arrives via courier. I load a cache onto it and I'm out the door for find #6, but my first with a gps that can get you within 2m. This is still the GPS I am using. It has 1000's of caches loaded on it covering a good portion of Alberta and Saskatchewan.

Easter weekend rolls around and I am able to introduce my Dad, Sister and her husband to geocaching. We walked their dogs all over town finding caches that weekend and got them both hooked. Look forward to many years of geocaching with my family.

In April, the kids and I met some friends in Drumheller for a Dino-Day. We managed to find a couple caches on the way as well as our first virtual cache.

Geocaches 26-29 were found while in Banff on Mothers Day surprise trip. It was a lot of fun for the kids and I to surprise Kristen with a trip she knew nothing about until we pulled into the hotel. We geocached, mountain climbed, hiked, museumed, shopped and hot tubbed the weekend away.

Well that's the end of part 1! Part 2 coming right away!

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